Sunday, December 24, 2023

Data Brokers, Advertisers, and Governments: The Market for Your Personal Information - Intellectual Takeout

Data Brokers, Advertisers, and Governments: The Market for Your Personal Information - Intellectual Takeout - Walker Larson 
"A few years ago, I tried to find out what kind of information data brokers had stored about me...
  •, at least in its initial incarnation, leaves out many data elements that Acxiom markets to its corporate clients — intimate details like whether a person is a ‘potential inheritor’ or an ‘adult with senior parent,’ or whether a household has a ‘diabetic focus’ or ‘senior needs.’
  • ...They maintain massive databases about us, with information ranging from marital status to education level to things we’ve purchased...
  • Just recently, it’s been revealed that the U.S. government uses the pop-up notifications on our phones to read our messages. Why are they spying on our personal conversations? And what else are they doing to access our personal data that we don’t yet know about?..

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