Sunday, December 10, 2023

"Don’t think of COP28, now ongoing in Dubai, as a “climate conference.” - Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook - Brian Gray
"Don’t think of COP28, now ongoing in Dubai, as a “climate conference.” 
Recognize where we are. 
  • The world financial system is utterly bankrupt. 
  • Nations’ economies are hanging by a thread. 
The imperial puppeteers are seized by dread, and they are lashing out. 
Their recklessness was already seen in the 2020 “Summer of Insurrection” against President Donald Trump. 
It escalated with the Covid lockdown, and then came the War in Ukraine and the targeting of Russia for destruction. 
This is End Game for the oligarchy, and they are only too aware of the existential crisis they face. 
  • They must seize complete power now or face their doom. (edited)

LAROUCHEPAC.COM - COP28: The Coming Fall Of Babylon

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