Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Good stuff!-----A Lesson in TLW's New Real Climate Science Course

A Lesson in TLW's New Real Climate Science Course
  • What specific chemical properties of carbon dioxide causes the greenhouse effect? 
  • Why, chemically, is carbon more reflective than other gases?
"Questions like these are indicative of widespread ignorance about radiative and thermal physics
I have deeply studied the subject for decades, so let me attempt to enlighten you. 
  • Call it Climate Science 101.
...NOAA and NCAR are part of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) global octopus of kept scientists, academics, journalists, politicians, and bankers that wants all world govts. 
  • to shut down their fossil fuel industries to stop CO2 emissions, which they claim are causing global warming, 
  • coincidentally costing trillions and destroying the entire Western capitalist understructure 
  • to pave the way for their real goal of global Marxism
  • which they no longer deny but brag about under the names Green New Deal and Great Reset
  • whose real goal is now revealed to be massive redistribution of wealth from shorn Western sheep for their idea of Marxist social-racial justice...

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