Saturday, December 09, 2023

History for December 9

History for December 9 - 
Buck Henry 1930 - Actor, writer
  • 1803 - The 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed by the U.S. Congress. With the amendment Electors were directed to vote for a President and for a Vice-President rather than for two choices for President.
  • 1941 - China declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy.
  • 1960 - Sperry Rand Corporation unveiled a new computer known as "Univac 1107."
  • 1975 - U.S. President Gerald R. Ford signed a $2.3 billion seasonal loan authorization to prevent New York City from having to default.
  • 1987 - West Bank Palestinians launched an intifada (uprising) against Israeli occupation.
  • 1991 - European Community leaders agreed to begin using a single currency in 1999.
  • 1992 - U.S. troops arrived in Mogadishu, Somalia, to oversee delivery of international food aid, in operation 'Restore Hope'.

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