Saturday, December 09, 2023

I just ordered it!-----A Call to Battle: Liz Wheeler’s ‘Hide Your Children’

A Call to Battle: Liz Wheeler’s ‘Hide Your Children’
"In Hide Your Children: Exposing the Marxists Behind the Attack on America’s Kids, podcast host Liz Wheeler pulls back the curtain on many of the people and organizations behind these assaults on our young people, the nuclear family, and American culture in general. 
  • In the book’s introduction, she outlines the topics she will cover, including critical race theory and queer theory, the thought reform tactics behind DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), and the radical ideas that have infected our schools, libraries, corporations, and government. 
  • She then proceeds in a methodical and lively manner to dig down and reveal the Marxist roots of these pernicious weeds...
All too often we hear of 
  • libraries sponsoring drag queen readings or of 
  • children being taught that whites are inherently evil or 
  • that sex is not determined by biology but by our preferences, 
and we wonder who came up with such outlandish ideas. 
Hide Your Children is replete with examples and data exposing the Marxism at work behind these activities...

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