Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Instapundit - FINALLY: Taylor Swift is Time’s person of the year.

Instapundit-FINALLY: Taylor Swift is Time’s person of the year. 

"Taylor Swift’s record-setting year just got a little bit bigger: She was named Time magazine’s person of the year, the first entertainer ever to be a solo honoree.

The big picture: Swift’s Era’s Tour was a national phenomenon, she dominated the charts, had multiple albums hit No. 1 in a single year, and released a blockbuster concert film to boot...

Driving the news: Time’s Sam Lansky describes Swift in the person of the year cover story as “the last monoculture left in our stratified world. ”... I thought instead, I’d replace myself first with a new me. It’s harder to hit a moving target.”

To be fair, Swift’s nomination is arguably a step up from 2006, when Time declared “you” were the person of the year, as Jonah Goldberg wrote at the time...

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