Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Liberals destroy society - Don Surber

Liberals destroy society - Don Surber 
  • From dams to cities to children, they demolish everything
"I see in the papers that Kanye West went off his meds. TMZ reported, “Kanye West is apparently in the grips of a serious mental health episode...Hates Trump. Hates Jews. Blames others for his problems...
What liberals appear to support changes constantly
  • Liberals who once embraced feminism now dismiss it as a movement by suburban white women. Men in dresses replaced real women who are now called TERFs, an acronym for women without testosterone.
  • I recall how women in the 1960s objected to being called broads and dames. Abracadabra, feminism came along. Liberals now call them bitches and ho’s. Problem solved.
  • Liberals recently downgraded mothers to birthing people. A woman now is just a bonus hole in liberal land, which further downgrades women, as well as normal sex.
These changes came so rapidly that people cannot keep up, but people nonetheless must instantly pledge allegiance to whatever the core beliefs of liberalism are this week...

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