Sunday, December 10, 2023

Like Adolf's brown-shirts!-----Americans warned riots are now a campaign 'tactic'

Americans warned riots are now a campaign 'tactic' - WND News Center - Bob Unruh
"Leftists rioted violently all across the U.S. during 2020, following the Minneapolis death of George Floyd.
But the riots, which decimated large districts of hundreds of towns and cities with billions in damages, and were in fact, extremely violent despite legacy reporters calling them “mostly peaceful” while standing in front of a burning city block, are now more than riots.
  • They are a “tactic,” according to Christopher F. Rufo, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributing editor of City Journal.
In a column there, he explained those riots have been resurrected by extremists in support of Hamas’ terror attack in October in which hundreds of Israeli civilians were butchered.
Those riots, on and off campus alike, reveal “a disturbing truth: the left-wing rioting following George Floyd’s death in 2020 was not an anomaly, but a tactic that activists can repurpose for any cause,” he explained.
And, he noted, the presidential race of 2024 is approaching.

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