Saturday, December 16, 2023

Opinion: Bread Lines, Empty Shelves and Failed Government Initiatives - Illinois Review

Opinion: Bread Lines, Empty Shelves and Failed Government Initiatives - Illinois Review - John F. Di Leo
  • The Biden-Harris regime has announced a new “White House Council on Supply Chain Resilience.”
"This new council is charged with preventing such problems as we experienced in the famous “supply chain crisis” of 2021 and early 2022 that preceded, and contributed to creating the current economic downturn...
  • First, a refresher: The United States, and in fact the entire developed world, has allowed itself to become dependent on Asia, especially Red China, for an enormous range of manufactured products, from toys to clothing, from tools to decorations, from components to finished goods.
  • Before 2020, the global ocean transportation network, which moves primarily by intermodal container (mostly stackable 20’ and 40’ steel boxes that cranes transfer back and forth from ship to train to truck) moved like clockwork in a careful and difficult balance, with surprisingly dependable transcontinental and transoceanic transit times...
And all this worked smoothly, with transit times generally around three to six weeks.
Until 2021...

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