Saturday, December 23, 2023

Opinion: How Unchecked Power Corrupts Government and Higher Education - Illinois Review

Opinion: How Unchecked Power Corrupts Government and Higher Education - Illinois Review - John F. Di Leo
"...What happens when the tax collectors exceed their authority and harass the innocent? 
  • Remember what the IRS did to Tea Party groups a decade ago, for example.
What happens when agencies blow past their charters to regulate more than they were established to control? 
  • Remember that the EPA was created to reduce actual pollution, and today it’s upending the world to control the harmless CO2 we exhale.
What happens when federal judges violate their oaths of office, and issue rulings in direct opposition to the law, because they can’t resist abusing their lifetime appointments to inflict their political philosophy upon the rest of us? 
  • Consider the many judges who threw out 2020 election lawsuits on technicalities in order to keep real evidence from being presented, so the candidate of their choice could undeservedly move into the White House?
In thousands of examples like these, the executive and judicial branches have been unfettered for generations...

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