Friday, December 15, 2023

Oregon opioid deaths increase 13x after drug decriminalization law: 'We have to do something different'

Oregon opioid deaths increase 13x after drug decriminalization law: 'We have to do something different'
"As Oregon reaches the three-year anniversary of passing its trailblazing law decriminalizing hard drugs like heroin, meth and cocaine, death and devastation are pushing many to plead for its reversal.
Opioid-related deaths in the Beaver State have skyrocketed to 955 this year, up from 280 in 2019 before the law – Measure 110 – was passed with 58% approval.
"This breaks my heart," Michael Bock, a private security guard in Portland, said of the drastic change Monday on "America's Newsroom." "What happened before 110 got passed was that I revived zero people. Since 110's passing, it's almost daily

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