Saturday, December 09, 2023

Physicians propose med schools focus more on ‘oppression,’ ‘race’ than ‘medical expertise’ MICAIAH BILGER - ASSISTANT EDITOR

Physicians propose med schools focus more on ‘oppression,’ ‘race’ than ‘medical expertise’ MICAIAH BILGER - ASSISTANT EDITOR
"A Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons proposal to teach Canadian medical students more about “anti-racism” and “oppression” than “medical expertise” has doctors and academics alarmed...
  • “The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons may force medical students to learn more about ‘anti-racism’ than actual medicine. Canadian health care is on the fast track to racial division and discrimination,” the organization stated Monday...
  • Medical training should center around “values such as anti-oppression, anti-racism, and social justice, rather than medical expertise,” according to the report, shared in late November by a member of the working group...

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