Friday, December 08, 2023

Ronna McRomney Schedules Iowa and New Hampshire Primary Debates With CNN - The Last Refuge

Ronna McRomney Schedules Iowa and New Hampshire Primary Debates With CNN - The Last Refuge - Sundance
  • At a certain point you just start laughing at the insufferable corporate club, a corporation we call the RNC and all those therein.
  • It’s not really fair to blame Ronna, because just about any other corporate officer from within the corporation would provide the same outcome. 
  •  However, that said, Ronna McDaniel has scheduled the Iowa and New Hampshire Republican primary debates to be under the control of CNN; yes, fake news CNN.
CNN – CNN will host two Republican presidential primary debates next month in Iowa and New Hampshire – states that hold the first contests in the race for the 2024 GOP nomination, the network announced Thursday...

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