Sunday, December 03, 2023

"Science"?!!-----The Hallett Inquiry - Now we have the mask double flip flop

The Hallett Inquiry - Now we have the mask double flip flop
"...We follow the trajectory of the statements on the use of masks made by Dame Jenny Harries, England’s deputy chief medical officer at the height of the pandemic and now chief executive of the United Kingdom Health Security Authority (UKHSA)...
At the pandemic's beginning, Dame Jenny had a cosy fireside chat with Mr Boris Johnson, the then Prime Minister (PM). 
  • Dame Jenny reassured the PM that mass gatherings were not a danger to the spread of the virus.
  • Dame Jenny added that “it’s usually quite a bad idea to wear a mask” if a healthcare professional hasn’t asked you to wear one.” The message was repeated on the BBC as mask usage could “trap the virus.” According to the Independent, Harries stated that mask usage could increase the risk of infection.
Here is an excellent video summary of Harries’ early 2020 mask statements.
  • Along the way, she dismissed the idea of closing schools, which were duly shut a few days later.
But then, mask-wise, everything changed, as we have documented in our partial timeline.

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