Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Smearing Capitalism

Smearing Capitalism - JOHN STOSSEL
"You must be lonely. 
The media say loneliness is everywhere in America.
  • A Los Angeles Times columnist says, “There’s a mass loneliness crisis going on.”
  • Capitalism is Making You Lonely, says Jacobin Magazine.
  • Vox claims, Capitalism makes us feel empty inside.”
As usual, the media are just wrong.
In my new video, historian Johan Norberg points out that, “There’s no empirical data that actually shows that we feel more lonely now than we did in the past. … When researchers compare people with previous generations at the same stage of life, they don’t find evidence of increased loneliness.”
But more people live alone now,” I say. “I would think that would make people lonelier.”
“What they never tell you in the reports,” Norberg replies, “is that people who live alone and spend less time surrounded by other people are also more happy with those relationships.”...

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