Tuesday, December 26, 2023

State Forced to Cancel Electric Vehicle Mandate Vote After Widespread Power Outages

State Forced to Cancel Electric Vehicle Mandate Vote After Widespread Power Outages - C. Douglas Golden
"On Thursday, the Maine Board of Environmental Protection was set to meet to discuss and potentially finalize a California-style electric vehicle mandate that would start in 2027 and force 82 percent of new vehicles to have zero emissions by the 2032 model year, according to the Portland Press Herald.
However, that meeting has been indefinitely postponed
Why? Because the state has been hit with rain and wind that left over 400,000 residents without power, according to Fox News.
  • To put that into perspective, the state population is 1.3 million, meaning roughly one in three people was without power. 
  • Assuming that every household in Maine has one car for one person — an unlikely scenario, but it’s a good hypothetical — that means roughly one in three wouldn’t be able to charge his or her car during an emergency...

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