Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Rotten Core Of College Campuses

The Rotten Core Of College Campuses - About The Volokh Conspiracy - JOSH BLACKMAN
"...Regrettably, as soon as Israel was established, the millennia-long train of anti-semitism simply morphed into its latest manifestation: anti-Zionism...
This doctrine was dressed up in all the academic garb of Marxism, anti-colonialism, and critical racial studies. 
Anti-Zionism was championed by elite academics on campuses.
DEI apparatchiks, ostensibly hired to promote equity, reified the anti-Zionist trope.
Students, who are woefully unfamiliar with world history, see the children of the Holocaust as just another oppressor. 
And, as they are taught, any act of resistance against the oppressors is not only justified, but necessary. The right type of violence demands silence.
  • The "gotcha" questions about whether a call for genocide is anti-semitic largely misses the mark. 
  • The deeper question is why are elites, in every civilization, drawn to theories that antagonize the Jews...

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