Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Uncomfortable Truths of October 7 and Modern America - The Messenger

The Uncomfortable Truths of October 7 and Modern America - The Messenger - Jessica Tarlov 
  • Jews across the globe knew that Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attack was different. The scale and the planning it took. The medieval approach and butchery. The trauma inflicted. The sexual atrocities.
  • But what we couldn’t have expected was how deeply the attack, and the ensuing fallout, would be felt here in America....
"I see six critical categories of American life that are potentially forever changed. 
These changes and realignments are especially pronounced for liberals, who find themselves with strange bedfellows more than they could have imagined.
Sexual atrocities: Very little renders me speechless, but the brutal rapes and abuse Hamas terrorists inflicted on Israeli women is enough to catch me startled and speechless. And if that doesn’t get you, the choice of global leaders to turn a blind eye — and sometimes excuse — their actions will...
Social justice movements...

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