Tuesday, December 12, 2023

'Unspeakable barbarity': Steven Spielberg finally speaks out about Hamas' attacks against Israel on Oct. 7 | Blaze Media

'Unspeakable barbarity': Steven Spielberg finally speaks out about Hamas' attacks against Israel on Oct. 7 | Blaze Media

Legendary filmmaker Steven Spielberg finally decided to speak out about Hamas' terrorist attack against Israel on October 7. The comments surfaced in a feature published by the Shoah Foundation earlier this month.

The Shoah Foundation was founded by Spielberg in 1994, and its mission is to "give opportunity to survivors and witnesses to the Shoah — the genocide of the Jews — to tell their own stories in their own words in audio-visual interviews, preserve their testimonies, and make them accessible for research, education, and outreach for the betterment of humankind in perpetuity."

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