Thursday, December 07, 2023

Victor Davis Hanson - October 7 and the Touchstone of Hate

Victor Davis Hanson - October 7 and the Touchstone of Hate 
"The almost immediate posting after October 7 of the BLM poster glorifying the hang-gliding murderous entry into Israel only confirmed what most of us knew anyway. 
  • Black lives matter and the entire diversity/equity/inclusion conglomerate rabidly hate Jews...
It is hard to find a major university where an academic on news of October 7 has not vented hatred for Jews...
  • Most recently, Christine Blasey Ford-era feminist Rep. Pramila Jayapal called for balance in contextualizing the mass rape of Israeli women (“However, I think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians ”) and claimed stuff just happens in war (“I think we always talk about the impact of war on women in particular”). 
  • But Israeli women were not just raped in a time of war by soldiers, horrific as that would have been. They were mass raped, mutilated, executed, and desecrated by Hamas thugs who broke into Israel at a time of holiday and peace and deliberately fixated on the unarmed, the elderly, children, infants, and women to do their precivilizational worst, from sexual torture and mutilation to decapitation and necrophilia...
Only a moral monster would seek to equate all that to the collateral damage to civilians...

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