Wednesday, December 20, 2023

We are living in perilous times of a mafia government, crooked judges and and DOJ that needs an enema for justice to prevail.

We are living in perilous times of a mafia government, crooked judges and and DOJ that needs an enema for justice to prevail. Dave Agema 
  • "So the Colorado Supreme Court says Trump can’t be on the ballot for causing an insurrection on Jan 6 and claiming a fraudulent election which much evidence proves, 
  • but Biden who has committed treason by taking money from foreign countries and encouraging illegals to cross our border, suing states from trying to stop it, can be on the ballot.
We are living in perilous times of a mafia government, crooked judges and and DOJ that needs an enema for justice to prevail. 
The courts are corrupt from judges put in by Biden. 
Judicial activism is at an all time high!...

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