Monday, December 11, 2023

WEF warns 2024 likely to bring ‘catastrophic’ cyber event

WEF warns 2024 likely to bring ‘catastrophic’ cyber event
  • Could this be the latest predictive programming, similar to ‘Event 201’ was for the Covid pandemic?
"...The globalist elites have done their best to inform us ahead of time of what to expect. 
  • They talk a lot about cyber attacks. 
  • Not the little ones we hear about daily. 
  • No, they’re talking about massive ones that will cause widespread panic among the people...
Jeremy Jurgens, the managing director of the World Economic Forum, stated at the WEF’s annual summit in January 2023 that a disrupting cyber event would likely take place before 2025...
If Jurgens’ prediction proves accurate, then that would leave 2024 as the year for this horrific event to go down, because it would need to happen before 2025...

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