Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Wyoming governor reveals troubling lack of knowledge - CO2 Coalition

Wyoming governor reveals troubling lack of knowledge - CO2 Coalition
Press Release 2023 12 11 60 Minutes
"ARLINGTON, Va. — Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon has proposed taking the Cowboy State to negative net zero by building vast, industrial-scale wind projects and facilities to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it.
  • To date, the Governor has not provided cost estimates of such massive projects. 
  • Nor has he projected how much these proposals would add to the price of electricity for the state’s residents.
Appearing on CBS’s 60 Minutes recently, Gov. Gordon exposed a lack of knowledge about climate change and Wyoming. 
The governor is apparently unaware of some very important scientific facts that should drive the policy decisions:
  • Heat waves peaked in Wyoming in the 1920s and 30s.
  • Average maximum annual temperatures have been in decline for more than 80 years...

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