Thursday, December 07, 2023

Yet the hypocrite dems keep USA border open!-----FBI Director says U.S. is facing highest risk of attack in YEARS!

FBI Director says U.S. is facing highest risk of attack in YEARS: Chris Wray says there are 'blinking lights everywhere' and warns terrorists will 'exploit' the southern border | Daily Mail Online
  • Chris Wray tells Congress the threat has gone to a whole 'other level'
  • He warns violent extremists could draw inspiration from the Hamas attack on October 7
"FBI director Christopher Wray has warned that the United States is facing the highest risk of a terrorist attack in years in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas atrocity in Israel.
Wray warned the Senate Judiciary Committee that there are 'blinking red lights everywhere' when asked to assess the 'threat matrix' faced by the U.S.
'The threat level has gone to a whole 'other level since October 7,' Wray said...

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