Saturday, January 06, 2024

Albedo Explains All Warming Since 1984

Albedo Explains All Warming Since 1984 CLIMATE PHYSICS | CHUCK WIESE
  • Chuck Wiese, Meteorologist - I often get asked by climate hysterics that if the increase in atmospheric CO2 isn’t responsible for the global warming of the last forty years of record in the satellite data, then what could have caused it?
"They point at total solar irradiance and indicate any changes are far too small to account for any warming. 
While that appears true as best we can determine from solar records to date, what is not ever discussed is whether or not there is a change in the available solar radiation that reaches the ground or Earth’s surface over time.
The best measure of this is to determine the changes in Earth albedo, which is the reflectance of solar radiation due to clouds and aerosols in the environment that reflect this energy from the sun back to space. So let’s have a look at the at the records:
Figure 1 shows the measured albedo from 1984 to 1997. Figure 2 shows the measured albedo from 2000 to 2023....

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