Wednesday, January 10, 2024

And poor Bezos lost billions in his divorce!-----The Washington Post is collapsing, and only Donald Trump can save them

The Washington Post is collapsing, and only Donald Trump can save them - JORDAN SCHACHTEL
  • Jeff Bezos's prized paper is losing $100 million a year.
"There’s only one man who can save the jobs of the corporate and institutional stenographers who work for The Washington Post, and it’s not who they think it is.
A fascinating article from Puck News has documented the ongoing collapse of The Washington Post.
"...During the Trump era, subscriptions were growing 50 percent year over year. Today, The Post is churning paid subscribers at a catastrophic rate.
Four years ago, The Post averaged 139 million monthly visitors. At the end of 2023, that number was down to under 60 million, according to insiders.
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post in 2013 for $250 million..."

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