Thursday, January 18, 2024

Another Bogus Border Story Goes Viral and Most Outlets Aren't in a Hurry to Issue Corrections - JOHN SEXTON

Another Bogus Border Story Goes Viral and Most Outlets Aren't in a Hurry to Issue Corrections - JOHN SEXTON
"The left wing response to the border crisis can be summarized as a series of misleading viral stories designed to vilify anyone who believes border control is a basic operation for a nation...
...But she was never separated from her mother. She was just tired and hungry from being dragged hundreds of miles from home.

Then there was the AOC-led campaign to re-label Border Patrol facilities “concentration camps”

And lets not forget the viral claim that Border Patrol agents on horeseback were whipping Hatian migrants. This was such a big deal that President Biden promised the people who did it would pay.

...The media is always ready to jump with both feet on any story that has the right villains. 
Cleaning up the mess later when it turns out they got it wrong isn’t something they seem to worry about...

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