Friday, January 12, 2024

Chicago Public Schools 'Lost' HOW Many Laptops and iPads??? STEPHEN GREEN

Chicago Public Schools 'Lost' HOW Many Laptops and iPads??? STEPHEN GREEN 
"...Nevertheless, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) managed to lose an incredible number of iPads and laptops — roughly 77,000 of them. 
  • Not 77,000 total, since the massive unified district started supplying kids and teachers with pricey computers a few years ago. 
  • They lost 77,000 in one school year. 
  • That's roughly $23 million worth of missing stuff...
  • All told, CPS managed to mysteriously misplace more than one laptop or iPad for every fifth student or teacher. 
  • Every class of 16 students lost, on average, 3.4 computers. 
There's something fishy going on but I'll get to that in a moment.
The trendline stinks, too.

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