Saturday, January 20, 2024

Collapse of our society!-----Millions of Kids Are Chronically Absent From School. The Problem Isn't Going Away.

Millions of Kids Are Chronically Absent From School. The Problem Isn't Going Away. 
  • While frequent absences were a problem before pandemic school closures, the lasting effects of online learning have led to consistently high absenteeism rates.
"Ever since schools were shuttered during the COVID-19 pandemic, chronic absenteeism among American schoolchildren has skyrocketed. 
Nearly 15 million schoolchildren (almost 30 percent of all K-12 students) were still missing at least 10 percent of school days during the 2021–22 school year—more than a year after most schools had returned to in-person learning. 
Most troubling, 6.5 million students were chronically absent before the pandemic started, indicating that absenteeism is an endemic problem in American schools...

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