Friday, January 26, 2024

Counseling journal wants papers on ‘white supremacy,’ ‘homophobia’ MATT LAMB

Counseling journal wants papers on ‘white supremacy,’ ‘homophobia’ MATT LAMB
"...University of Maryland Professor William Liu is the new chief editor and shared he is “the first person of Color to serve in this prestigious role,” since the journal started in 1954.
  • “I came to this role because of the dedication and spirit of so many Black, Indigenous, Latine/x, Asian, and other non-Black scholars and practitioners of Color who sought to create a more just and humanizing science and profession and transformed counseling psychology,” he wrote.
  • He thanked the researchers, clinicians, and scholars who “demanded that psychology acknowledge the embeddedness of white supremacy and anti-Blackness, and the ways that systematic, cultural, historical, and institutional mechanisms excluded, erased, and demeaned their ontoepistemologies, lived experiences, and aspirations.”...
  • In addition to “empowering people to improve their lives and promoting psychological functioning and resilience,” psychology should also center “marginalized voices” and address “systemic oppression” and eliminate “health inequities.”...

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