Tuesday, January 23, 2024

He exposes their fraud!-----Maine Sea Level Panic Willis Eschenbach

Maine Sea Level Panic Willis Eschenbach
"So I open my electronic window onto the world this morning, and I find lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth about a projected sea level rise in the US state of Maine. 
Seems there’s something called the “Maine Climate Council”, which has un-named “scientists” advising it...
To give you an idea of how high they want you to dial up the alarmism, the article says (emphasis mine):
For reference, Maine sea levels are projected to rise between 1.1 and 3.2 feet by 2050 and between 3 and 9.3 feet by 2100, depending on how successful and quick we are at curbing global emissions rates, according to the scientists who advise the Maine Climate Council.
Now, folks who follow my work know that I’ve done a lot of analyses of sea level claims. 
And this one set my bad number detector ringing louder than Representative Bowman’s fire alarm...
… not much else to say about that, except that when you hear someone talking about “climate change” and “sea level rise”, hang on to your wallet, because you’re being had.

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