Thursday, January 11, 2024

History for January 11

History for January 11 - 
Alexander Hamilton 1755 - United States Founding Father...first United States Secretary of the Treasury.
  • 1805 - The Michigan Territory was created.
  • 1867 - Benito Juarez returned to the Mexican presidency, following the withdrawal of French troops and the execution of Emperor Maximilian.
  • 1922 - At Toronto General Hospital, Leonard Thompson became the first person to be successfully treated with insulin.
  • 1935 - Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo from Hawaii to California.
  • 1958 - "Seahunt" debuted on CBS-TV. The show was aired on the network for four years.
  • 1964 - U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry released a report that said that smoking cigarettes was a definite health hazard.
  • 1977 - France released Abu Daoud, a Palestinian suspected of involvement in the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

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