Monday, January 15, 2024

History for January 15

History for January 15 - 
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929 - Pastor, leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement
  • 1559 - England's Queen Elizabeth I (Elizabeth Tudor) was crowned in Westminster Abbey.
  • 1892 - "Triangle" magazine in Springfield, MA, published the rules for a brand new game. The original rules involved attaching a peach baskets to a suspended board. It is now known as basketball.
  • 1943 - The Pentagon was dedicated as the world's largest office building just outside Washington, DC, in Arlington, VA. The structure covers 34 acres of land and has 17 miles of corridors.
  • 1974 - "Happy Days" premiered on ABC-TV.
  • 1986 - President Reagan signed legislation making Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday a national holiday to be celebrated on the third Monday of January.

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