Monday, January 08, 2024

History for January 8

History for January 8 - 
Charles Osgood 1933 - Broadcast journalist (CBS News Sunday Morning)
  • 1642 - Astronomer Galileo Galilei died in Arcetri, Italy.
  • 1675 - The first corporation was chartered in the United States. The company was the New York Fishing Company.
  • 1815 - The Battle of New Orleans began. The War of 1812 had officially ended on December 24, 1814, with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent. The news of the signing had not reached British troops in time to prevent their attack on New Orleans.
  • 1889 - The tabulating machine was patented by Dr. Herman Hollerith. His firm, Tabulating Machine Company, later became International Business Machines Corporation (IBM).
  • 1900 - U.S. President McKinley placed Alaska under military rule.
  • 1958 - Bobby Fisher, at the age of 14, won the United States Chess Championship for the first time.
  • 1964 - U.S. President Lyndon Johnson declared a "War on Poverty."
  • 1987 - The Dow Jones industrial average closed over the 2000 mark for the first time at 2,002.25.

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