Friday, January 19, 2024

Houthis Vote Early in America’s Election - Daniel Henninger

Houthis Vote Early in America’s Election - Daniel Henninger
  • Iran saw the moment was right to strike at the U.S.’s global leadership.
"Wonder Land: If you were an adversary looking at a U.S. uncertainty about its global leadership, what would you do? 
Answer: Up the ante—which is exactly what Iran, Russia and others are doing...
  • Given the sequence of events from Hamas’s act of war on Israel Oct. 7 to the Houthis’ offensive against the Red Sea shipping lanes, it is now clear that Iran decided the moment was right to stretch the U.S.’s strained military capacity to the limit, or even breaking point...
  • The Israel-Hamas war pushed Ukraine’s war with Russia off the front pages, but not in Europe. The German newspaper Bild reported this week that according to classified documents from the German Defense Ministry, that country is preparing for a Russian mobilization beyond Ukraine toward the eastern flank of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization...

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