Saturday, January 20, 2024

No word from Jan 6 prisoners!-----Here's What FBI Agents Found When They Removed Hunter Biden's Gun From the Evidence Vault

Here's What FBI Agents Found When They Removed Hunter Biden's Gun From the Evidence Vault - By Jennifer Van Laar 
"As we reported last Thursday, Hunter Biden's criminal defense attorneys contend that the failure of Hunter's plea agreement and the filing of more serious charges against him in California are the result of "selective and vindictive prosecution" and a "breach of the separation of powers."...
  • It turns out that while preparing for Hunter's July court appearance FBI investigators decided to take photographs of the handgun Hunter's then-girlfriend ditched in a dumpster in Delaware back in 2018, and which was seized by Delaware State Police at that time and placed into evidence. Meaning, the firearm and its storage pouch have been in a sealed evidence bag, in a Delaware State Police vault, since October 2018. When FBI investigators opened the evidence, they found a "white powdery substance," had it tested, and, surprise, surprise, it was cocaine...

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