Thursday, January 11, 2024

Oppose Reparations? You Have 'White Privilege' - Stop Arguing and Fork Over Your Money - Ward Clark

Oppose Reparations? You Have 'White Privilege' - Stop Arguing and Fork Over Your Money By Ward Clark

Did you know that the idea of reparations for slavery was "sacred?" 

Did you know that if you oppose reparations for slavery, you have "white privilege?" 

Neither did I. Probably because it's nonsensical.

PBS released a new America Reframed documentary of Monday about reparations and the taxpayer-funded network went all in with the bad faith smears, strawmen burning, and stereotyping of those who oppose such measures.

They even found Father Brian Paulson of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States to claim that reparations are something “sacred.”..

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