Thursday, January 04, 2024

Ousting Joe Biden and Obama/Newsom, the Democratic...Dream Ticket? By Ward Clark

Ousting Joe Biden and Obama/Newsom, the Democratic...Dream Ticket? By Ward Clark
"It's been apparent for some time that Joe Biden isn't in any condition to run for president this year...
The question a lot of us are asking is, "What are the Democrats going to do about this?"
Over at the Washington Times, Joe Navarro has some ideas
First, he posits — as I have — a Democrat convention coup to replace the Biden/Harris ticket.

How will Mr. Biden will be persuaded — or forced — to step down in favor of a brokered backroom deal Democratic convention? Mr. Biden wants a grand legacy of his White House days and full pardons to keep him and his family out of prison.

On the legacy front, Democratic strategists will confront Mr. Biden with the reality that if he gets trounced in the general election by Mr. Trump — as polls say he will surely win — Mr. Biden’s place in history will be beside Jimmy Carter as the most hapless president of the modern era...

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