Thursday, January 11, 2024

Police arrest reporter after he asked Trudeau's deputy about the Canadian regime's failure to call out terrorism | Blaze Media

Police arrest reporter after he asked Trudeau's deputy about the Canadian regime's failure to call out terrorism | Blaze Media

Freeland, unaccustomed to a confrontational media, refused to respond and kept walking. However, Menzies kept pace with the Liberal parliamentarian, asking, "Why is your government supporting Islamo-nationalism?" Menzies found himself having to circumnavigate a metal post but was confronted on the other side by another obstacle: a federal RCMP officer. Without identifying himself as a law enforcement official, the plainclothes officer prevented Menzies' progress down the public sidewalk. Menzies responded to his brutal treatment off-camera, saying, "Excuse me, what are you doing?"

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