Monday, January 08, 2024

"Race" is a weapon for the enrichment of libs-----NAACP Says We Can't Allow Claudine Gay's Legacy Be Tarnished and Erased - Brett T

NAACP Says We Can't Allow Claudine Gay's Legacy Be Tarnished and Erased - Brett T 
"All of the usual suspects came forward to defend former Harvard president Claudine Gay, even after it was found that she'd plagiarized other people's work almost 50 times, something that would get an undergrad expelled. 
New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay said "you can hear and see the racism" in the "attacks" on Gay. 
Also implying that Gay should get a pass on her academic theft because she's back were Nikole Hannah-Jones, Ibram X. Kendi, and Marc Lamont Hill, who called Gay "an extraordinarily successful and gifted Black woman" who was under attack by "mediocre white men" and demanded that Harvard's next president also be a black woman....

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