Thursday, January 18, 2024

State-sanctioned protest - Don Surber

State-sanctioned protest - Don Surber
  • Only lefties are permitted to rally in Washington, DC.
The New York Post reported, “A swarm of Pro-Palestinian supporters shouted ‘f–k Joe Biden’ as they nearly ripped down a reinforced fence outside the White House during a charged protest Saturday night...
“Video shows the crowd shaking the fence so viciously that a section of it became partially dislodged while a horde of Secret Service police pushed back to keep the ralliers from entering the grounds.”
  • Fox reported, “The demonstrators were heard chanting [chanted], ‘Ceasefire Now’ and ‘Free, Free Palestine,’ with many waving Palestinian flags. ‘Yemen, Yemen make us proud / Turn another ship around,’ was also recited at the demonstration, hours after strikes were launched against the Houthis in Yemen.”
No one was sent to jail to face 22 years in prison. 
No police officer shot and killed anyone. 
No one in the press called it an insurrection because this was state-sanctioned psy-ops as the deep state staged the event to show widespread support for changing federal policy...

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