Thursday, January 04, 2024

'The Good Men Project’ Denounces Whites as Racist for Being Anti-Racist BEN BARTEE

'The Good Men Project’ Denounces Whites as Racist for Being Anti-Racist BEN BARTEE
"The Good Men Project — advancing “the conversations no one else is having” that, actually, everyone in corporate state media and academia is having, namely that white men are irredeemably evil and must be propagandized into submission — recently published a carcinogenic Social Justice™ diatribe (a sort of “Mein Kampf” for Persons of Color™) titled “6 Ways Well-Intentioned People Whitesplain Racism (And Why They Need to Stop).”
Here we go with #1, via The Good Men Project:

...In certain cases, it does. And if you’re a white person talking with a person of color about racism, it’s best to keep this possibility in mind.

Because of white supremacy, many white people – especially white men, who are also influenced by patriarchy – have been conditioned to speak over other people and dominate spaces...

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