Monday, January 22, 2024

The World Eugenics Forum - by Peter Venetoklis

The World Eugenics Forum - by Peter
"...Predictably, entrenched interests are not amused.
(Argentina President) Javier Milei took his message of economic liberty to the annual gathering of Bestest-and-Brightestest at Davos, Switzerland, the quaintly named World Economic Forum. 
Quaintly, in that these supposed titans of economic knowledge are increasingly proving to be a bunch of detached and delusional dilettantes with dictatorial impulses and not the slightest whit of care as to the harm their ideas would impose on the world's unwashed masses.
Milei's speech, transcribed here and watchable here, calls those dilettantes out on their socialistic desires. He came loaded for bear, with hard historical data that defended and extolled capitalism while shredding collectivism.
The first money quote:
[F]ree enterprise capitalism is not just the only possible system to end world poverty, but also that it’s the only morally desirable system to achieve this...

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