Saturday, January 13, 2024

They’re coming for your houseplants 'cuz they're very needy... GLENN K BEATON

They’re coming for your houseplants 'cuz they're very needy... GLENN K BEATON
First, they came for the gas stoves,
And I did not speak out

Because mine is electric.
Then they came for the dishwashers,
And I did not speak out
Because I use paper plates.
Then they came for the furnaces,
And I did not speak out
Because I keep the heat at 60.
Then they came for the houseplants,
And I did not speak out
Because I’m not a houseplant.*
"I was therefore distressed to see an article in the “news” paper owned by Jeff Bozo warning us that houseplants contribute to global warming. 
I wondered how that was possible, since plants don’t spew carbon; they instead absorb it, and spew oxygen...

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