Friday, January 26, 2024

'We should be screaming': Biden admin is threatening Medicare Advantage, and the GOP is SILENT - American Wire News

'We should be screaming': Biden admin is threatening Medicare Advantage, and the GOP is SILENT - American Wire News - Frieda Powers
"...The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will reportedly be rolling out a “rate notice” in the next weeks that would add to the “stealthy” cuts already made in 2023...
  • In addition, 2,000 diagnosis codes were eliminated by CMS “which meant less coverage for seniors in Medicare Advantage plans than conventional Medicare fee-for-service.”...
  • In the coming months and into 2025, this could mean “$600 million to $700 million” getting drained out of Medicare Advantage and making it less of a viable plan for seniors...

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