Saturday, January 06, 2024

Why do dems support this massive money transfer to the already-rich?-----Pork Stories-Muskegon real estate developer gets $18 million from Michigan taxpayers - By Jamie A. Hope

Pork Stories-Muskegon real estate developer gets $18 million from Michigan taxpayers - By Jamie A. Hope
"...Which lawmaker asked for $18 million for a Muskegon real estate developer? It’s not clear, based on the 2024 Michigan budget.
Michigan’s 2024 budget avoids naming a private Muskegon real estate developer that is getting $18 million from taxpayers.
Parkland Properties of Michigan got the eight-figure allocation by meeting a narrowly crafted description in a one-paragraph earmark...
The language the legislators used makes it easier to give money to favored entities, said James Hohman, budget policy director at Mackinac Center for Public Policy.
“The state constitution requires that acts that benefit particular areas of the state or private entities receive two-thirds approval in both legislative chambers,” Hohman told Michigan Capitol Confidential.
Not naming the beneficiary outright allows lawmakers to skirt this supermajority requirement...

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