Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Oklahoma expected to abolish state grocery tax | Blaze Media
MuskegonPundit: From the web---How we got the politicians we got!---Free Ice Cream
- I decided we would have an election for a class president.
The class had done a great job in their selections.
Both candidates were good kids.
I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support.
I had never seen Olivia's mother.
The day arrived when they were to make their speeches Jamie went first. He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better place. He ended by promising to do his very best.
He sat down and Olivia came to the podium.Her speech was concise. She said, "If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream."
- How did she plan to pay for the ice cream?
- She wasn't sure.
- Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it?
- She didn't know.
- The class really didn't care.
- All they were thinking about was ice cream.
- Every time most politicians open their mouths, they offer ice cream, and fifty percent of America reacts like nine-year-olds.
Imagine the world-wide media meltdown had Trump done same to Biden!-----THIS IS KIND OF A BIG DEAL:
"Obama’s CIA Asked Foreign Intel Agencies To Spy on Trump Campaign.
“The revelation that the U.S. intelligence community, under the Obama administration, sought the assistance of the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance to surveil Donald Trump’s associates before the 2016 election is a chilling reminder of the lengths to which the Deep State will go to protect its interests and challenge its adversaries.
(The Five Eyes countries are the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.)
This bombshell, reported by a team of independent journalists, exposes a dark chapter in American political history, where foreign intelligence services were reportedly mobilized against a presidential candidate.” - Stephen Green
WTF US patron booted American Airline flight illegal migrant | Blaze Media
Why Are Billionaires Selling Off Stocks And Building Massive Survival Bunkers?
- Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon, and Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg have all sold big chunks of shares in their own companies. How come?...
- In recent weeks, much has been made of the fact that Zuckerberg and his wife are constructing an absolutely massive survivalist compound in Hawaii...So why is Zuckerberg going to such effort?...
- But many other ultra-wealthy individuals are also preparing for doom. In fact, Sam Altman and Peter Thiel both seem to be extremely alarmed about the times that are approaching…He also said he and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel have an “arrangement” to flee to one of Thiel’s luxury properties in New Zealand in the event the End of the World comes about.
Data distrust surges as Americans reject government collection efforts | Blaze Media
Denver Mulls Cutting City Employee Hours Under Migrant Financial Strain LINCOLN BROWN
"Adjustments"?-----Commercial foreclosures increase 97% from last year to near decade-high | Just The News
Commercial real estate foreclosures in the U.S. increased 97% in January 2024 compared to last year...
"This uptick signifies not just a return to pre-pandemic activity levels but also underscores the ongoing adjustments within the commercial real estate sector...
- Commercial properties are not the only ones affected by foreclosures. In January 2024, 33,270 U.S. properties, including residential homes, had foreclosure filings, which is up 10% from December and 5% from the same time the previous year, per another ATTOM report...
- Michigan saw the greatest increase in foreclosures from December 2023 to January 2025 with a rise of 200%, per data.
"Ex-MSNBC Mehdi Hasan Launching His Own Media Company to Fill Progressive ‘Gap in the Market.’
Former MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan is launching his own digital media company that he’s hoping will fill a “gap in the market.”
“No one really on the progressive left has been able to pull off anything similar,” Hasan told The Washington Post’s Jeremy Barr about the venture.
He added later that there is a “craving” and “gap in the market” he intends to fill.
“I believe there is a craving for media organizations that don’t shy away from saying the truth, even if it’s uncomfortable, even if it bothers people, even if it hinders access, even if it shakes the apple cart,” he said. “From a purely business perspective, there is a gap in the market.”
Because MSNBCNPRPBSCNNWAPONYTLAT are just all waaaaay too far to the right. - Ed Driscoll
Microsoft Brags About Paying Minorities More than Whites for the Same Work
Paul Krugman Plays the Fool: 'White Rural Rage' Is 'Single Greatest Threat Facing American Democracy' By Mike Miller
In a Monday NYT op-ed titled "The Mystery of White Rural Rage," Krugman hyperbolically wrote (emphasis, mine):
...This is especially true when technological change undermines not just individual workers but whole communities.
This isn’t a hypothetical proposition. It’s a big part of what has happened to rural America.
This process and its effects are laid out in devastating, terrifying, and baffling detail in “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy,” a new book by Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman. I say “devastating” because the hardship of rural Americans is real, “terrifying” because the political backlash to this hardship poses a clear and present danger to our democracy, and “baffling” because at some level I still don’t get the politics...
History for February 29
- 1288 - Scotland established this day as one when a woman could propose marriage to a man. In the event that he refused the proposal he was required to pay a fine.
- 1860 - The first electric tabulating machine was invented by Herman Hollerith.
- 1904 - In Washington, DC, a seven-man commission was created to hasten the construction of the Panama Canal.
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Blaze News investigative writer Steve Baker says FBI wants him to self-surrender Friday in Dallas over his Jan. 6 reporting | Blaze Media
'Blood Money': How China Is Secretly Arming American Criminals
Tucker Carlson: The 2020 Election Was ‘100 Percent Stolen’ From President Trump
"..."You said to some degree the election was rigged," Fridman began. "Was it stolen?"
"It was 100% stolen," Carlson replied. "Are you joking?"
"Like, it was rigged to that large—"
- “They completely change the way people vote right before the election on the basis of COVID—which had nothing to do with—"
Carlson replied:
One hundred percent. And then you censor the information people are allowed to get. Anyone who complains about COVID, which was like — by the way, it might have hurt Trump...Whether the people in charge want it or don't want it or think it's true or think it's false doesn't matter...
A study from the Heartland Institute released earlier this month concluded that "had the 2020 election been conducted like every national election has been over the past two centuries, wherein the vast majority of voters cast ballots in-person rather than by mail, Donald Trump would have almost certainly been re-elected."
Audience erupts in applause when Dr. Phil schools 'The View' hosts about COVID lockdowns and school children: 'That's a fact' | Blaze Media
ANOTHER tax increase we ALL will PAY!-----Huge landfill tipping fee spike pitched to curb out-of-state trash in Michigan -
- Proposed Increase: The tipping fee would jump from $0.36 to $5 per ton.
Exclusive: Biden Admin Planted Operative in Fani Willis Office, Sources Say
Do You Want Fries With That? Thoughts on a Liberal Arts Major - Intellectual Takeout
- In many cases, professors and entire academic departments have accelerated this precipitous decline in the humanities. If you love literature and reading, why take a degree that deconstructs Shakespeare into a rabid misogynist?..
Let me tell you about four students, siblings, whom I know well...
- What is the secret to their success?...Great read!
Olympic Champ Jamie Salé Shares Her Emotional Journey from Being Celebrated to Vilified by the Canadian Media for Speaking Out Against the 🦠 Narrative
Reactions to Associated Press framing illegal immigrant murder as toxic masculity | Blaze Media
While the explanation might be accurate, lies and false statements are not necessarily crimes
- "While the explanation might be accurate, lies and false statements are not necessarily crimes.
- Otherwise practical all politicians could be jailed.
If making fraudulent claims on financial documents is a crime, will there be more charges against others coming soon?
- BTW, who gets the payments if Trump has to pay?

Trump Guilty of Civil Fraud in New York
Trump must pay over $350 million.
History for February 28
- 1854 - The Republican Party was organized in Ripon, WI. About 50 slavery opponents began the new political group.
- 1951 - A Senate committee issued a report that stated that there were at least two major crime syndicates in the U.S.
- 1953 - In a Cambridge University laboratory, scientists James D. Watson and Francis H.C. Crick discovered the double-helix structure of DNA.
- 1979 - Mr. Ed, the talking horse from the TV show "Mr. Ed", died.
- 1986 - Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was assassinated in Stockholm.
- 1993 - U.S. Federal agents raided the compound of an armed religious cult in Waco, TX. The ATF had planned to arrest the leader of the Branch Davidians, David Koresh, on federal firearms charges. Four agents and six Davidians were killed and a 51-day standoff followed.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Concealed carrier shoots crook bashing display case in Chicago jewelry store. Suspect reportedly released without charges. | Blaze Media
JUST IN: El Salvador President Nayib Bukele Warns Of 'Dark Forces' In An...
Houthis knock out underwater cables linking Europe to Asia - report - The Jerusalem Post
"Four underwater communications cables between Saudi Arabia and Djibouti have been struck out of commission in recent months, presumably as a result of attacks by Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, according to an exclusive report in the Israeli news site Globes...
- The AAE-1 cable connects East Asia to Europe via Egypt, connecting China to the West through countries such as Pakistan and Qatar.
- The Europe India Gateway (EIG) cable system connects southern Europe to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, the UAE, and India.
- The Seaom cable connects Europe, Africa, and India, and is connected to South Africa...
Scientists to begin spewing chalk and chemicals into the atmosphere to block sunlight? - American Thinker
This extraordinary experimental action is set to occur over the next few months, with dust and chemicals being hurled into the atmosphere from various countries, including Australia, Israel, and the United States.
- Is blocking sunlight really a good idea?
- And we know this how?
- Nothing on this scale has ever been done before...
Gen. Flynn: The Constitution Literally Allows Texas to Engage in War at the Southern Border - Here's How
Michael Smith - So called "identity" politics has penetrated every...
- Yesterday I noted the malpractice of the media in their reporting of Laken Riley's murder by framing the story about a generic "danger to female runners", rather than her murder at the hands of an illegal alien who had already accumulated a rap sheet in New York City.
- It's happening in the death of the alleged "nonbinary and gender fluid" high school student, Nex Benedict, who tragically died a day after being in a 2 minute scuffle that, by accounts of the witnesses, she started. LGBTQ activists took over her memorial service yesterday to say "we don't really care how she died or even if she started it, all of you who question transgenderism are responsible of her death!"
- If you are black, you are a victim of systemic racism, and therefore cannot be racist or blamed for anything you do, especially if you do it against a non-black person (not just whites, Asians are oppressors, too).
If you are white you are guilty, and if you are white AND Donald Trump, you should be executed at dawn.
It is just communist class division.
Censor-mania: Biden's 'technofascism' faces challenge at Supremes
Who could have EVER predicted this?!!-----YORK: Diesel buses replace electric due to power issues | York Press
Problems had arisen due to an issue with the level of power supply required to charge them all overnight...
GMU economist reported to DEI office for criticizing plan to mandate DEI courses | The College Fix
- “George Mason University is a public university, funded by Virginians with a wide range of political views about the nature of justice. The Just Societies Initiative is a thinly-veiled effort to teach far-left (or ‘woke’) views of justice as the One True Position,” Caplan posted Feb. 20.
- “Even people who agree with such views should ponder the justice of creating an official state-sanctioned orthodoxy and requiring all students to spend multiple classes feigning agreement with it.”
Congress accuses Biden HHS chief of hiding gang affiliation of illegals
Democrats Plot An Insurrection To Stop ‘Insurrectionist’ Trump I & I Editorial Board
- We’ve now reached peak Trump Derangement Syndrome.
- How do we know this is what they are scheming? Because...Democrats are openly talking about it...
How could this happen? Well, Democrats could conceivably win back the House in November. Which means that they could refuse to certify the election results on the grounds that Trump is ineligible to serve because he’s an insurrectionist...
History for February 27 - "Paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people."
- 1827 - New Orleans held its first Mardi Gras celebration.
- 1922 - The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the 19th Amendment that guaranteed women the right to vote.
- 1933 - The Reichstag, Germany's parliament building in Berlin, was set afire. The Nazis accused Communist for the fire.
- 1951 - The 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, limiting U.S. Presidents to two terms.
- 1981 - Chrysler Corporation was granted an additional $400 million in federal loan guarantees. Chrysler had posted a loss of $1.7 billion in 1980.
- 1982 - Wayne B. Williams was convicted of murdering two of the 28 black children and young adults whose bodies were found in Atlanta, GA, over a two-year period.
Monday, February 26, 2024
CA professor says being a Swift fan is 'slightly racist,' Chiefs winning Super Bowl is a 'white supremacist conspiracy' | Blaze Media
The UK is much closer to blackouts than anyone dares to admit
- It won’t take an enemy power to put us all in the dark – just energy customers doing normal things on a normal winter’s evening.

"Of all the problems with electric cars, perhaps the least expected was the revelation that some home charging points provide a potential point of weakness for malign foreign powers to interfere with our National Grid.
But do we really need a foreign power to crash our electricity grid when we are quite capable of inflicting it on ourselves?...
- But another large part of the picture seems to be “demand flexibility” – a polite term for rationing energy through smart meters, jacking up the price whenever supply is short.
- No wonder the Government seems keener than ever to force smart meters on us...
We’re Not Curing Cancer Here, Guys
- Are leading scientists just making stuff up?
- Vinay Prasad breaks down the cancer research scandal.
Here’s an edited version of our conversation. (Spoiler alert: I was not reassured.)
Vinay, how worried should we be about the problem of fraud in cancer research?
Extremely worried.There’s something very unique about all these papers that allows people to find the fraud, and that is they report the raw data, in the form of images...
Most laymen like me assume all the data is transparent in medical research. You’re telling me that’s not how it works?...
These concerns have been brewing for a while and they are reaching a tipping point. The fact that there’s been so much plagiarism at Harvard and there’s been all this image manipulation shows that the most venerable institutions are no safeguard against malfeasance...
Psychologist punished for questioning VA's gender push
Russian Follies: The Sequel - American Thinker - By Clarice Feldman
"Just days ago, on February 14 to be precise, Vladimir Putin said he prefers Biden in the 2024 presidential race.
Nevertheless, the media, often with the intelligence community’s aid, seems to be trying again in the indictment of Vladimir Smirnov to hint that Donald Trump is somehow being aided by Russia.
Thin gruel, indeed. A quick review of the FBI’s consistent election meddling and gaslighting of voters is the necessary background for this week’s account.
In case, like me, you’re finding it hard to keep track of all the gaslighting on Russia in recent years, Adam Mill kindly documents 14 recent Russian hoaxes:
1. The Russian Co-Signers Hoax: In August of 2018, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell claimed Russian oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin cosigned loans to Donald Trump from Deutsche Bank. MSNBC quickly retracted the claim when Trump threatened to sue.
2. The Trump Tower Russians Hoax: In July of 2017, The New York Times reported that Donald Trump, Jr. met with a Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, at Trump Tower in 2016 in the hope that she had opposition research against Trump’s Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. Although a meeting did take place, the “Russian” in question shared a client with Fusion GPS -- the firm Clinton hired to frame Trump...
3. The Hunter Biden Russian Disinformation Hoax: In October of 2020, shortly after The New York Post reported on the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop , 51 intelligence officials signed a letter characterizing the story as Russian disinformation…
4. The Russian Bounty for U.S. Soldiers Hoax: In June of 2020, NBC cited anonymous government sources who claimed that the Russians paid bounties to the Taliban for every U.S. soldier it killed. Later, after the election, NBC admitted the story could not be verified…
Journalist arrested for leaking Fox News Tucker Carlson video | Blaze Media
France: Muslims daub graffiti on bus shelter, ‘Today land of wars, tomorrow land of Allah’
“...Many questions arise after the discovery of strange tags on Christian symbols in a town in Dordogne...
- two inscriptions with the name of Allah on calvaries, these stone crosses which are symbols of Christianity.
- The third inscription was found on a bus shelter “today land of wars, tomorrow land of Allah.”...
The earth needs more CO2, not less
Gus Mahlr - sSeodornpt2a42h69lmi214h075mhall9320l612ttg0a7ah1m1ha94ta1t8 ·