Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Appeal This! - Mark Steyn

Appeal This! - Mark Steyn
  • ...rogue judge Arthur F Engoron has demanded Trump cough up - for a "crime" which has no known victims and no identifiable proceeds. 
  • Confiscating (with interest) close to half-a-billion dollars for no good reason is certainly unusual, even by the standards of US "justice".
But that's not what caught my eye about Arthur F Wankeron's judgment. 
The truly striking passage was this (page 90, just before the sign-off):

The Court hereby enjoins Donald Trump and the Trump Organization and its affiliates from applying for loans from any financial institution chartered by or registered with the New York Department of Financial Services for a period of three years.

...But one hears so much breezy chit-chat in America about appealing this and appealing that that one takes one's appellate rights for granted.
Not so.
In order to appeal, a losing party has to post a bond for the amount at issue.
  • ...But to be clear: to appeal Judge Wankeron's decision Trump needs to come up with a bond for at least $350 million.
  • So, just to complicate the issue, Wankeron forbids him from doing business with any financial institution registered in the State of New York...
American "justice", as I have held for virtually the entire twelve years of the Mann case, is evil...

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