Friday, February 23, 2024

Dems buying votes, AGAIN!-----Oakland County expresses support for water affordability legislation

Oakland County expresses support for water affordability legislation
"Pontiac — The Oakland County Board of Commissioners has passed a resolution in support of state water affordability legislation Wednesday evening, marking another community in the Detroit suburbs that has weighed in on the legislation.
A package of bills now working its way through the Michigan Legislature would create statewide water shutoff protections and form a state-run affordability program for low-income water customers. 
On Wednesday, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners adopted, in a 13-6 party line vote, a resolution in support of the legislation.
“This is a reasonable thing, at the right time, to for once and for all address this problem, fix this problem and make sure that water” isn’t deprived from people, said County Commission Chair David Woodward, a Democrat...

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