Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Foreign, billionaire laundered-money intended to steal US elections?!!-----Swiss Billionaire’s Nonprofit Sent $35 Million To Dark Money Group Propping Up Dems

Swiss Billionaire’s Nonprofit Sent $35 Million To Dark Money Group Propping Up Dems
"...The Berger Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, gave $35 million to the liberal dark money group Sixteen Thirty Fund in 2022, tax documents show
Sixteen Thirty Fund in 2022 poured tens of millions into Democrat-aligned PACs, groups supporting left-wing ballot measures and voter mobilization operations designed to increase turnout among Democrat-friendly demographics, according to tax forms...
Berger Action Fund was one of Sixteen Thirty Fund’s biggest donors in 2022; Sixteen Thirty Fund is often described as a dark money group because it engages in political activity without publishing the identities of its donors...

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